Elevate-HER project aims to directly address the needs for Capacity Building in Senegalese Higher Education Institutions to provide women pursuing or willing to pursue a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM), with the necessary skills to guarantee their employability.
Learning from the experience of female researchers around the world, women researchers in Senegal will have clear references and role models that will allow them to empower themselves and pursue their goals, being the change for future generations. Thus, there will be improved the employability and adaptability of female researchers at all career stages.
Elevate-HER activities and working methodology are based on the real needs of the partner country institutions which is reflected by the quality of the consortium. The activities will be carried out in a logical order to obtain the expected specific objectives towards the consolidation of entrepreneurship and employment structures and the implementation of pilot initiatives and policy recommendations.
Elevate-HER will also reduce challenges and systemic barriers, which have historically prevented female academics, including researcher-mums, from moving forward professionally. The main expected outputs will be achieved through good practices sharing, experience transfer, training for capacity building, several awareness raising events with the participation of the students, women researchers and the business sector, the recommendation to turn entrepreneurship into competencies. Publishable outputs and their subsequent dissemination will provide reference materials and extend the project reach.